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Friends Friday Films: Encanto

In conjunction with the Flinn Gallery’s show “Home Sweet Home,” join us for this Oscar-winning musical delight. Filled with songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda and inspired by the magical realism of writers like Gabriel García Márquez and Isabel Allende, the film tells the story of a woman trying to find her place in an ancestral home that has given magic powers to everyone in her family—except her. Rated PG. 1h42m. Check out a trailer here!
Be sure to visit the Flinn Gallery's Art Lounge before the screening, open from 5:00-6:45pm.

To get early access to the Library's Friday Films events, sign up here for the Friday Films email newsletters.

Friday, February 9, 2024
7:00pm - 8:45pm
Berkley Theater
  Films and TV     Friends  
Registration has closed.

Sponsored by the Friends of Greenwich Library. Questions? Contact Chelsea Gibbs at cgibbs@greenwichlibrary.org.