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SCORE Presents: The 12 Enemies of Small Business Success

Doors will open at 6 pm. Please visit the SCORE website to register for this event.

Feb 21: The 12 Enemies of Small Business Success and How to Defeat Them | SCORE

Everybody going into business knows the odds are sometimes stacked against them. Every day they must face 12 “enemies” that conspire to bring them down. As the best defense is a good offense, here’s how you develop strategies for defeating these “enemies” before they get to you.

You will learn:

  • How to identify and deal with your competitors.
  • Coping strategies for creditors, copycats, crooks and other “thieves.”
  • What to do when the people you count on most to build your business go over to the “dark side.”
  • That sometimes your most challenging “enemy” is closer to home than you think.

Prior to the Workshop:

Make a list of the people and institutions you deal with that give you the most “agita,” and be prepared to discuss what you are currently doing to prevent them from stealing your success.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Marx Family Black Box Theater
  Adult     Senior     Teens  
  Business, Career, and Finance  

Presenter: Cliff Ennico 

CLIFF ENNICO (www.cliffennico.com), a nationally recognized authority on small business legal and tax issues, is best known as the former host of MONEYHUNT, the PBS television series for entrepreneurs.

He is the author of 16 books, including “The Crowdfunding Handbook: Raise Money for Your Small Business or Startup with Equity Funding Portals,” and judges business plan and elevator pitch competitions nationwide.

An attorney and small business consultant based in Fairfield, CT, Cliff has launched thousands of businesses in his 43-year career.